About us
Since 1990, the English Department Choir at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg has had its own choir, whose repertoire ranges from the Renaissance to performances of contemporary composers. The choir typically organizes a sophisticated and varied concert program several times per semester, mostly featuring music in English. It often also accompanies academic ceremonies of the university, especially, of course, those of the English Department. The choir sees itself as an ambitious chamber choir and consists of about 25 singers from the Rhine-Neckar region. In addition to its high musical quality, the choir is known for its courage to undertake extraordinary projects beyond the usual repertoire. Highlights of the past years were …read more
Support us
We compensate for the lack of financial resources with a lot of enthusiasm and commitment, but we can’t cover the costs of our concerts through ticket sales alone. Therefore, we appreciate any financial or ideological support. You can support the choir as an official sponsor, either on a project basis or with a fixed annual amount. If you’re interested in such a partnership, please contact info@anglistenchor.de. Regular contributions are very valuable to us and our choral work. They simplify the budgeting process for the year, and thus the planning and realization of the choir’s upcoming projects. But one-time donations also help us! Either by transfer to our association account or via WeCanHelp or PayPal. Information on further possibilities as well as donation receipts can be found here.
Thank you for your support!
Anglistenchor Heidelberg e.V. IBAN: DE17 6729 0000 0049 022913 BIC: GENODE61HD1
Our partners and sponsors
We are delighted with the generous support from Heidelberger Volksbank eG for our current projects!
Mailinglist & Social Media
We have set up a mailing list ANGLISTENCHOR-INFO that you can subscribe to to find out about concerts and other performances of the choir (3-4 mails per year). The choir is also on Instagram and Facebook. Follow us to get updates via theses medias as well!